Have you started or been receiving End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) care or services? Then, of course, you expect those providing the ESRD services to do their job well. What happens if you as an ESRD patient have a complaint about a situation, event, or condition? We have set up a careful, respectful way to handle your concerns. We call it the “Grievance Process.”
What is a grievance?
A written or oral communication from an ESRD patient, and/or an individual representing an ESRD patient, and/or another party, alleging that an ESRD service received from a Medicare-certified provider did not meet the grievant’s expectations with respect to safety, civility, patient rights, and/or clinical standards of care. The grievant is not required to explicitly state that the care did not meet professionally recognized standards.
What can your ESRD facility do?
Your ESRD facility is required to have a formal way, a procedure for handling patients’ complaints and grievances. If you have a grievance, you or your representative can file that grievance without having to worry that speaking up could cause you problems. You need have no fears about interference, discrimination, or retaliation.
What can Midwest Kidney Network do?
You as an ESRD patient may feel your grievance has not been adequately addressed at your ESRD facility. Or you may choose to not use the facility’s grievance process. If so, then you may file a grievance with the Network.
The Network may act in any of three ways:
- Act as a facilitator/coordinator.
- Directly investigate the grievance.
- Refer the concern to the state survey agency.
For us at Midwest Kidney Network, if you have a concern about the quality of your care or access to ESRD services, we care. We want to know. You can be sure you will receive in writing from us any outcomes from this grievance process. If you think you may have a grievance or want to have a confidential discussion about a situation, event, or condition involving your ESRD care or services, you may call us at (800) 973-3773.