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Additional Resources:

Neighborhood Navigator Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost

For The Love of Our People resources on COVID-19 from the Native American community for the Native American community

Guidance for Native Communities from the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network

Guide to Reducing Disparities in Readmissions from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Guide to Screening for Social Needs from the American Academy of Family Physicians

Social Needs Screening Tool from the American Academy of Family Physicians

Health Equity Community of Practice Call February 2, 2023

Facility Commitment to Health Equity Measure - Portion of a Town Hall (Dec 2023)

Continuing the Conversation series Resources (updated June 2023)

ESRD NCC - Health Equity Resource and Links 

Stratis Health resources on "Culture Care Connection" (added Jan 2024) - and

Community Resources - Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement: A Conceptual Model to Advance Health Equity through Transformed Systems for Health - National Academy of Medicine ( 

Opportunity for dialysis staff, patients, and caregivers: BREAKING BARRIERS - Strategies to Advance Health Equity at Dialysis Facilities  

Superior Health Getting the Conversation started Session 1 (Added May 2024)