This document provides and overview of the 2728 form function as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
2018 CMS Memo to dialysis facility administrators on the ESRD QIP Data Validity and Reliability Study.
This PowerPoint file contains screenshots of the process of reviewing and revoking a user's access to EQRS applications.
This job aid provides details for regenerating an Annual Facility Survey (CMS-2744 Form).
This PowerPoint file contains screenshots of the process of reviewing your roles (access) to the various EQRS applications (CROWNWeb, ESRD QIP 2.0, QARM).
The files below contain screenshots that demonstrate the various QualityNet Authorization and Role Management (QARM) tasks for managing user access to CROWNWeb. Although the demonstrations are focused on CROWNWeb, the same steps are also used to manage access to ESRD QIP 3.0, and for obtaining QARM Organization Security roles.
This PowerPoint file contains screenshots of the process of using QARM to approve a request for access. Detailed steps are provided in EIDM and QARM Quick Start Guide available from
This PowerPoint file contains screenshots of the process of switching among multiple CROWNWeb facilities over which the EIDM/QARM user has scope. Detailed steps are provided in the document EIDM and QARM Quick Start Guide available from .
This PowerPoint file contains screenshots of the process of using QARM to request CROWNWeb end user roles. Detailed steps are provided in EIDM and QARM Quick Start Guide available from
This file contains screenshots of the process of signing-in to QualityNet Secure Portal. Note that some stakeholders refer to QualityNet Secure Portal as "QARM".